"Practising Baguazhang can't teach one how to fight".

UrbanBaguanyc Blogger: "Practicing baguazhang can't teach one how to fight." Coach Novell
my perspective/ A lot of people think that baguazhang can teach an individual to become an effective fighter but that is the farthest thing from the truth. The practice of bagua zhang simply teaches movement like any other martial art. Basically what you are training in baguazhang regardless of the school of Baguazhang He or she practice. A baguazhang practitioner is simply learning movements which one is learning how to move their body in a coordinated way executing different types of postures and stepping patterns that is related to offensive and defensive combat maneuvers. Even though one may practice many years these combat movements and postures that contain various techniques or map out imaginary fighting possibilities that are presented in these movements that are considered Baguazhang forms or what the Chinese call TaoLu which is basically nothing more but a Shadow Boxing routine. But the reality is no matter how many years as I mentioned one practice BaGuaZhang Shadow Boxing routines, solo form practice will not help one develop any real baguazhang fighting skills for a real fighting confrontation. What these baguazhang forms do teach is help one learn how to move in a particular manner as required for practicing a specific style of baguazhang. Following the rules and regulations that is required for training the BaGuaZhang solo form method. In a nutshell one tries to follow and train the basics and fundamentals of the bagua system one has chosen to study and train. But in a real world combat reality one cannot learn how to fight by just simply practicing the BaGuazhang forms whom so many individuals today seem to believe that are practitioners of baguazhang. The truth is the practice of baguazhang forms is one basic aspect of baguazhang training. The practicing of forms is a way of teaching a baguazhang practitioner mentally and physically the fundamentals of the Baguazhang style. A general example is like how to hold a proper BaGuaZhang stance and how to position one hands correctly when executing certain bagua Palm techniques. How to establish proper body mechanics when executing certain Bagua movements and stepping techniques. How to correctly breathe learning how to relax the body while in motion keeping their elbows down and chin slightly down naturally. Learning how to move the whole body naturally doing any type of Baguazhang physical actions. These are just some general basic principles that a Baguazhang practitioner must be aware of while practicing baguazhang. But eventually even after achieving all this basic knowledge of how to practice Baguazhang in particular walking the circle and playing the 8 Palms change forms of baguazhang. Even after many years of practicing baguazhang solo forms and prearranged combat applications. When all is said and done a bagua practitioner still will not develop any real fighting skill from simply practicing that particular approach I just mentioned and baguazhang. The only thing that a Baguazhang practitioner May achieve is Improvement of their fitness, stamina endurance and overall health. But realistically speaking in regards to fighting skills development they will not develop anything in regards to effective fighting skill. Now some people may say then how do one develop bagua fighting skills utilizing baguazhang? Well that's an easy question to answer. Simply put a person have to practice fighting! Regardless of what style or fighting discipline a individual study or practice. The truth is in order to learn how to fight one must participate in the act of fighting! That type of approach in ones bagua training is the only way an individual can learn how to actually fight is to practice how to fight! Now I'm not suggesting won't go out on the streets and pick a fight or that a bagua practitioner have to fight every day. But what I am saying is one must participate in the activity of free fighting to understand that type of reality and the many reality check perks that come with training free fighting.😁 So honestly speaking in regards to baguazhang combat usage. The only way one can truly learn how to apply the Baguazhang movements that they practice doing their Shadow Boxing exercise training is to actually practice free fighting I can't say live breathing skillful strategizing opponent another human being then simply only practicing forms against imaginary opponents.😎 Because that's exactly what it is don't get it twisted the practice of forms is just Shadow Boxing practice in which you are imagining using your creativity working on certain techniques against an imaginary opponent. So basically when you watch or observe an individual demonstrating a bagua form that's basically what they are doing simply Shadow Boxing training against an imaginary opponent. but one thing I like to mention that a lot of people must keep in mind. That is just because you see somebody demonstrating a bagua form that happens to look awesome doesn't necessarily mean they can actually fight using bagua in a free fighting situation. Now the truth be told the only way to actually know if a bagua practitioner can apply their bagua in a free fighting situation is to actually compare skills against them by participating in a free sparring match where you are allowed to give real resistance and not cooperating with them. From my personal experience a free fighting situation of to BaGua practitioners comparing skills is the best way for an individual to make a valid assessment if the person is skilled or not at free fighting utilizing their baguazhang. That's when you will really know for sure if a bagua practitioner can skillfully apply their baguazhang in a fighting setting. Either way if you want to be able to learn how to apply your bagua freely and spontaneously in fighting then a practitioner must simply practice the actual Act of free fighting. That is the only true way to improve and develop your fighting skills using BaGuaZhang. Because practicing slow prearranged attack and defend type of techniques against a willing training partner will not cut it in the world world of martial arts free fighting. Real fighting your opponent will not be cooperating with you or so willing! So in conclusion in regards to bagua fighting skill development do not let anybody sell you the old Baguazhang okey-doke. When it comes to applying bagua for actual fighting. Pay heed to the old saying how you train is how you will fight enough said!