XingYiQuan Dragon Stance
XingYiquan low crouchinga Dragon stance. The function of this particular XingYiquan stance in combat is you grab the enemies arm and simultaneously exeute a low pounding kick to the side of the enemies knee cup as you control the upper limbs of the enemy utilizing a grasping technique. Health-wise practicing holding the dragon stance stationary in a lower stance position for some minutes focusing on relaxation and breathing maintaining the stance position can help in healing and strengthening the knees and Ankle joints. Also training XingYiquan Dragon stance daily combined with following a nutritious diet by eating such foods as : Broccoli, olive oil, blueberries, fish, nuts, tart cherries, kelp, fermented foods, papaya and even drinking green tea will help in the healing process of strengthening the whole body and combating any inflammation in the human body. Eventually in due time getting rid of those symptoms for good if one practices daily their Kung fu and eat the right types of foods that is good for the human body. So practicing XingYiquan combined with a nutritious diet go hand-in-hand. 😎 ☮️ Interested in training traditional XingYiquan for fitness and self-defense contact